Stata Center MIT by Frank Gehry

Have I ever mentioned that half my close and extended family are engineers? No? Well, now you know. We have every specialty you can think of: civil engineers, architects, mechanical engineers, electrical engineers, rural and surveying engineers…we missed out on chemical engineers, but you get the point. And me? Oh I’m the black sheep…I studied Business Administration with and MSc on IT&Management and a part-time course in Fashion Design, just because…

When I was a kid and we travelled in Europe I got to see many engineering/construction projects like the Øresund Link between Denmark and Sweden or the glass dome of the Reichstag in Berlin. So needless to say that I’m fascinated by bridges and buildings. Especially buildings, because of the aesthetic part. If you check my Athens’ blog I have a whole category about architecture and wherever I travel I surely get lots of pictures of buildings. Architecture is part of a country’s culture and I’m interested in architecture as much as trying a traditional dish (though the latter can be really tricky because I’m a very picky eater).

My favorite architect is Frank Gehry and my dream is to travel to Bilbao with the sole purpose of seeing the Guggenheim museum (I care more for the building than the exhibits, mind you) and I’m super happy that these past days I got to see a “clone” of the museum, aka the Walt Disney Music Hall in LA (post will definitely follow). For the time being I present you the Ray and Maria Stata Center in Cambridge, MA which is part of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (affectionately known as MIT). Last year on this exact date we learned that we were coming in Boston and I was thrilled for many reasons, one of them being that I would get to see a building by Frank Gehry! Score!

Stata Center MIT by Frank Gehry